27 September 2022
The BroadNet Preparation meeting was held in Prague on 22nd September and brought together Senior Decision Makers from 13 European countries and representatives of the European Commission DG Home. The meeting was opened by Mr Urban Bohdan, Director of the Department of information technology and communication operations.
Mr Martin Schieffer, Head of Unit of Counter-Terrorism at DG Home confirmed their motivation towards supporting the creation of a pan-European mission critical mobile broadband communication system for public safety.
The Member States representatives discussed the outcome of the BroadWay project including the recent large scale practitioner evaluation pilots.
BroadNet Preparation will prepare governance measures for European countries to work together to create and operate this pan-European critical Mobile Communication system that will enable public safety responders the ability to carry out their crime fighting and life-saving operations :
– wherever they are
– whenever they need to communicate, and
– with whoever they are tasked to cooperate
This new ‘Operational Mobility’ capability will help to make Europe a safer and more resilient society.
For more information of the solutions developed by Airbus and Frequentis during BroadWay:
For more information on BroadNet preparation programme: