EUCCS Preparation Stage 2&3

Stage 2 partners

Partner No. /Shortname Participant organisation name Country Partner/ Associated partner
1 PSCE Public Safety Communication Europe Forum (Coordinator) Belgium Partner
2 BIRD2 Bird & Bird Belgium Partner
3 DEBRK Bayerisches Rotes Kreuz Germany Partner
4 BEASD ASTRID NV/SA Belgium Partner
5 CZNAK NAKIT, s.p. Czech Republic Partner
6 DKPOL Danish National Police – Centre of Emergency Communication Associated Partner
7 EERIKS State Infocommunication Foundation Estonia Partner
8 ESMIR Ministerio del Interior Spain Partner
9 FIVIR Suomen Virveverkko Oy Finland Partner
10 FRACM Agence des communications mobiles operationnelles de securite et de secours France Partner
11 GRMOI Hellenic Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction Greece Partner
12 IEAGS An Garda Síochána Ireland Partner
13 IEPER Department of Public Expenditure and Ref Ireland Partner
14 ITMOI Ministero dell’Interno Italy Partner
15 NLPOL National Police of the Netherlands The Netherland Partner
16 NODSB Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap Norway Associated partner
17 NOPOL Politidirektoratet Norway Associated partner
18 PLNFS Komenda Główna Państwowej Straży Pożarnej Poland Partner
19 ROSTS Special Telecommunications Service Romania Partner
20 SEMSB Myndigheten for samhallsskydd och beredskap Sweden Partner
21 SEPOL Polismyndigheten Swedish police authority Sweden Partner
22 SIMOI Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Slovenia Partner

Stage 3